The FiveThirtyEight Politics podcast — A twice-weekly podcast using data and evidence to help explain what Americans are thinking and how politics works.

The Gerrymandering Project — A narrative podcast series investigating the effects of gerrymandering across the United States. The series was featured on the shortlist for the Data Journalism Awards “Investigation Of The Year.”

What’s Going On In The Ultimate Romney-Clinton District? — On the ground reporting of the 2018 midterm election in a Texas district that saw one of the biggest swings in the country from Romney to Clinton.

Long Before Trump, There Was Ross Perot — An audio documentary re-examining the role Ross Perot played in the 1992 election, in light of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Why The Dean Scream Sounded So Different On TV — A report on the mechanics behind Howard Dean's infamous scream and whether it actually sunk his campaign.